Jane Austen Sanditon |
Personaggi di
Andrew, giardiniere a Sanditon (4: that poor old Andrew may not lose his daily job). Mr. Beard, villeggiante a Sanditon e nella lista dei sottoscrittori della biblioteca (6: Mr. Beard - solicitor, Grays Inn). Miss Beaufort e Miss Letitia Beaufort, le altre due signorine dell'Istituto di Camberwell, arrivate a Sanditon con Mrs. Griffiths (11: The other girls, two Miss Beauforts [...] and on Miss Letitia's). Clara Brereton, nipote povera di Lady Denham, ospite della zia a Sanditon (3: Mr. Parker spoke warmly of Clara Brereton). Dr. e Mrs. Brown, villeggianti a Sanditon e nella lista dei sottoscrittori della biblioteca (6: Dr. and Mrs. Brown). Miss Capper, amica di Fanny Noyce e di Mrs. Darling (9: You must have heard me mention Miss Capper, the particular friend of my very particular friend Fanny Noyce). Mrs. Darling, amica di Miss Capper e di Mrs. Griffiths (9: Miss Capper is extremely intimate with a Mrs. Darling, who is on terms of constant correspondence with Mrs. Griffiths). Mrs. Davis, villeggiante a Sanditon e nella lista dei sottoscrittori della biblioteca (6: Mrs. Davis). Lady [Brereton] Denham, ricca vedova, di Sanditon House (3: she was a very rich old lady, who had buried two husbands [...] had been a rich Miss Brereton, born to wealth but not to education);
Sir Edward Denham, nipote di Sir Harry Denham ed erede del titolo (3: Sir Edward, the present baronet, nephew to Sir Harry). Esther Denham, sorella di Sir Edward Deham (3: his sister Miss Denham, who lived with him [...] 7: And Miss Esther must marry somebody of fortune too). Sir Harry Denham, secondo marito, defunto, di Lady Denham (3: The late Sir Harry Denham, of Denham Park). Mrs. Charles Dupuis, amica di Miss Diana Parker (9: I had a letter three days ago from my friend Mrs. Charles Dupuis). Mrs. Jane Fisher e Miss Fisher, villeggianti a Sanditon e nella lista dei sottoscrittori della biblioteca (6: Mrs. Jane Fisher. Miss Fisher). Mrs. Griffiths, prima ritenuta di una ricca famiglia delle Indie occidentali, poi rivelatasi a capo dell'Istituto femminile di Camberwell (9: prove to be a Mrs. Griffiths and her family). Rev. Mr. Hankins, villeggiante a Sanditon e nella lista dei sottoscrittori della biblioteca (6: Rev. Mr. Hankins). William Heeley, calzolaio di Sanditon (4: Look at William Heeley's windows. - Blue shoes, and nankin boots!). Mr. Heywood, proprietario terriero di Willingden, nel Sussex; assiste i Parker dopo l'incidente con la carrozza (1: Mr. Heywood, such was the name of the said proprietor);
Mrs. Heywood, moglie di Mr. Heywood (1: I will answer for the pleasure it will give my wife and daughters to be of service to you and this lady). ---- Heywood, il primogenito degli Heywood; 31 anni (2: their eldest son's coming of age ten years ago). Charlotte Heywood, la figlia maggiore di quelle ancora in casa degli Heywood; va a Sanditon con i Parker; 22 anni (2: Their invitation was to Miss Charlotte Heywood, a very pleasing young woman of two and twenty, the eldest of the daughters at home). Thomas Hillier, affittuario della vecchia casa dei Parker a Sanditon (4: It is an honest old place - and Hillier keeps it in very good order). Jebb, negoziante di Sanditon (4: or a large bonnet at Jebb's). Miss Lambe, prima creduta nipote di Mrs. Griffiths, si rivela poi l'allieva pių ricca dell'Istituto di Camberwell; 17 anni (11: Miss Lambe was beyond comparison the most important and precious, as she paid in proportion to her fortune. She was about seventeen, half mulatto). Mr. Hollis, primo marito, defunto, di Lady Denham (3: Her first husband had been a Mr. Hollis). Capitano Little, villeggiante a Sanditon e nella lista dei sottoscrittori della biblioteca (6: Captain Little, - Limehouse). Le Mathews, villeggianti a Sanditon e nella lista dei sottoscrittori della biblioteca (6: Mrs. Mathews - Miss Mathews, Miss E. Mathews, Miss H. Mathews). Miss Merryweather, villeggiante a Sanditon e nella lista dei sottoscrittori della biblioteca (6: Miss Merryweather). Morgan, maggiordomo dei Parker (5: Morgan with his 'Dinner on Table'). I Mullin, famiglia povera di Sanditon (12: I think you had better mention the poor Mullins`s situation). Fanny Noyce, amica di Miss Diana Parker e di Miss Capper (9: You must have heard me mention Miss Capper, the particular friend of my very particular friend Fanny Noyce). Arthur Parker, fratello di Mr. Parker; poco pių di vent'anni (5: our youngest brother, who lives with them, and who is not much above twenty). Diana Parker, sorella di Mr. Parker; circa 34 anni (9: Miss Diana Parker was about four and thirty). Mary Parker, moglie di Thomas Parker (4: Oh! my dear Mary, merely a joke of his). Mary Parker, figlia di Thomas e Mary Parker (4: and you can get a parasol at Whitby's for little Mary). Sidney Parker, fratello di Mr. Parker (4: Such a young man as Sidney, with his neat equipage and fashionable air);
Susan Parker, sorella di Mr. Parker (5: I doubt whether Susan's nerves would be equal to the effort). Thomas Parker, di Trafalgar House, Sanditon; circa 35 anni; quattro figli (2: he was about five and thirty - had been married, - very happily married seven years - and had four sweet children at home). Mr. Richard Pratt, villeggiante a Sanditon e nella lista dei sottoscrittori della biblioteca (6: Mr. Richard Pratt). Sam, vecchio servitore nell'albergo di Sanditon (9: and helping old Sam uncord the trunks). Miss Scroggs, villeggiante a Sanditon e nella lista dei sottoscrittori della biblioteca (6: Miss Scroggs). Mrs. Sheldon, amica di Miss Diana Parker (5: Two years ago I happened to be calling on Mrs. Sheldon). Sottotenente di vascello Smith, villeggiante a Sanditon e nella lista dei sottoscrittori della biblioteca (6: Lieutenant Smith R.N.). Stringer, padre e figlio, negozianti di Sanditon (4: old Stringer and his son have a higher claim). Mrs. Whitby, bibliotecaria a Sanditon (6: Mrs. Whitby at the library was sitting in her inner room). Miss Whitby, figlia di Mrs. Whitby (6: as soon as Miss Whitby could be hurried down from her toilette). Un giovane Whitby, figlio di Mrs. Whitby (8: were followed by a young Whitby). Mr. Woodcock, albergatore a Sanditon (9: with only Mr. Woodcock's assistance). |